
Friday, February 22

A Cute DIY Candy From Japan

Hii! It's me again! It's been a while since I posted my last article :) Let's start today with a unique DIY toy that grown ups would also like!

Have you ever heard of "Popin' Cookin"? It's a series of  EDIBLE DIY candy toys in cute shapes by Kracie from Japan.  Yep, it's indeed an edible toy. The first kind of this candy was Neruneru-nerune and it was launched on the market in 1978. The idea is to create real-like food with simple steps. It is a type of sweet in Japan that sold in the category of Intellectual Education Candy which means these are sweets you must make by yourself . This way, people can enjoy the process of making candy, which can helps their creativity to develop.

The first time I heard about Popin' Cookin' was about a month ago. Honestly, I'm kinda think it's just an average toy we find on the toy store, and for me, to eat something that supposed to be a toy is a bit weird and gross. But still, my curiousity push me to made a search on Google, and that's how I know that there's 13 series of Popin' Cookin' DIY candy, each set comes with a tray, spoons, and special mixing-with-water powders to create the food. Also, I saw the review about this toy and this is what they  say: "One thing about this DIY candy, it's not just something yummy to eat, it's an experience. Nothing puts us in a happier mood than this very cute toy. I thought it was very complicated for a children’s toy, and it made me admire the capacity children have nowadays. This is truly an intellectual education candy for the 21st Century And FYI, the review is written by an adult :P. Hmm...reading this review makes me want to try and buy one.

Just like what I said earlier, I'm so curious about
Popin’ Cookin’, so I decided to buy one. But sadly, I've searched it in every toy store in my country but I just couldn't find them. Then, I searched on Youtube, because at least I want to see the making of Popin’ Cookin’ . And finally i found some videos about Popin’ Cookin’, and the more I watch them, the more I get interested with this toy. It’s so unique! What we have to do is just mix the powder with water, and it’ll become cute small sized food we can eat. I think it taste good, based on the look and the reviews, of course. (If you want to see the making of Popin’ Cookin’ DIY candy, click here.)

At the time i finished watching the whole videos, i understand why even grown ups love it, the reason is because it's just simply and strangely mesmerizing! I mean, who doesn't want to make a real cooking toy themselves, and able to eat it right away? Also, it's not to expensive  based on what i searched, it only cost about USD$4 in Japan. And although these don’t look very healthy and a bit gross, they actually contain only natural coloring, and they take advantage of color changes due to differing pH levels. So, actually, they’ve also been designed to promote health. :)

Well, i think that's all for this time, and if i finally can find the store which sells this product, i definitely will buy and make a review of it, so just wait, okay? ;)
Thank you for reading this article and have a nice day!


  1. Good article :)
    It's my first time hearing about Popin' Cookin' but I think I'm gonna love it.

    1. Thank you :D
      I really appreciate your comment

  2. Yummy. By the way I have already posted your inspirational quotes on my blog. Feel free to check it out.

    1. Thank you so much! It's great to have my quotes posted on your beautiful blog :)

  3. Where did you get all these from? :)

    1. I found out about this candy from youtube, and then i decided to post an article about it :)


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